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are trusted

We were formed in 2010 by Richard Hadfield following sixteen years of working in the technology sector. The experience of senior management and responsibility for various national education and research systems stood us in good stead to advise others.


We have trusted relationships with long-term clients and are used to working with leaders as well as subject matter experts to achieve the goals of any project or programme we work on. Richard introduces associates and experts when necessary and every project we have delivered has received praise and appreciation.


We have worked with government departments, education and research agencies, universities and colleges, edtech start-ups and investors. This rounded view gives us unique insight which benefits our clients.


We avoid consultancy jargon and use methods and models relevant to project and programme aims.  At the heart of our work is our ability to form trusted relationships and draw out agreement through careful analysis and options appraisal. The clarity of our communications is the final piece of our ‘success jigsaw’.


Please get in touch to discuss any opportunity - whatever shape and size.


Outstanding Achievement
Award 2013
Richard Hadfield
Chair, Education and Skills Group

Founder, People, Place and Participation

I found working with Richard, during his leadership of People, Place and Participation (aka Flo's - the Place in the Park) to be a really rewarding experience. He brought a combination of a sharp analytical mind with empathy and clarity and has helped the board and management team make good decisions and deliver great outcomes.

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